Strategy and value creation

“Ambitions 2025”: financial trajectory

“Ambitions 2025” is a medium-term strategic plan focused on ambitious growth in the net income and profitability of Crédit Agricole S.A. while confirming the financial strength of Crédit Agricole Group. With indicators aligned with, or ahead of, targets, the Group’s performance in 2023 confirms the financial trajectory of our Medium-Term Plan. It is a reflection of the efforts made by our employees and the work carried out.

€5.9bn* Net income Group share

2025 target

*2023 underlying data

12.6%* RoTE, return on tangible equity

2025 target

*2023 underlying data

55.4%* Cost/income ratio (excluding SRF)

2025 target

*Underlying cost/income ratio excluding SRF

11.8% CET1 solvency target in 2023
(17.5% Crédit Agricole Group)

2025 target
(≥17% Crédit Agricole Group)

*Floor of 250 bp compared with SREP CET1 regulatory requirements

1.05€* Dividend per share in 2023

2025 target
Payout of 50% of earnings in cash

*2023 dividend proposal subject to the approval of the 2024 General Meeting