After a year of increasing uncertainty in 2022 – due in particular to geopolitics, inflation and the end of accommodating monetary policies – 2023 finally saw a soft landing for the economy, with falling inflation, a halt to monetary tightening and a certain resilience in growth in the West. This came despite the effects on sectors that are highly sensitive to interest rate hikes and major disparities between the two sides of the Atlantic. However, this context of global volatility persists in 2024.
The geopolitical context remains a major factor of uncertainty for 2024, due in particular to the strategic challenge posed by the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East, with its risks of expansion and potentially severe consequences, notably on world trade, supply chains and ultimately on prices.
Political issues also include the risks associated with a number of major elections during the year (Taiwan, Russia, India, Europe, the United States etc.), generating a climate of instability that will influence the strategies of all players (governments, corporates, markets).
Faced with the potentially significant effects of these events, the meticulous management of the Group’s risks (credit, financial and operational, particularly those linked to the environment) and the quality of its assets are a major advantage for its continuing role in financing the economy and supporting transitions.
“In a still very uncertain environment, the Risk department helps maintain control of the Crédit Agricole Group’s development in financing the economy by coordinating a prudent and consistent risk management policy across all its entities.ˮ
“In a still very uncertain environment, the Risk department helps maintain control of the Crédit Agricole Group’s development in financing the economy by coordinating a prudent and consistent risk management policy across all its entities.
Crédit Agricole S.A.’s risk management relies on selective and responsible approaches in all its activities, particularly lending. The Group’s resulting risk profile, which is structurally prudent, is characterised by the broad diversification of its financing portfolio, both in terms of sector and customer type, with a high proportion of retail banking and a moderate level of market risk compared with its peers.
In 2023, the Crédit Agricole Group recorded a cost of risk of €2,941m, i.e. 25 basis points, while Crédit Agricole S.A. recorded €1,777m, or 33 basis points, levels very similar to those recorded in 2022 and in line with the trajectory of the Medium-Term Plan. While there has been an increase in proven risk, concentrated in professional, small corporates and consumer finance customers, it remains below the average proven risk recorded over the pre-Covid period from 2012 to 2019 (€2.7bn).
In addition, during the financial year, the Group continued to add to its prudential provisions, which totalled €8.7bn at the end of the year, or just over three years of the average cost of proven risk observed historically, bringing the Group’s total provisions to €20.7bn from €19.9bn at the end of 2022. These provisions give the Crédit Agricole Group one of the highest levels of hedging among European banksˮ.
Breakdown of gross outstanding loans to Crédit Agricole Group customers
Crédit Agricole Group: €1,177bn1
Breakdown of the Crédit Agricole Group’s risk-weighted assets (RWA) at 31 December 2023
Detailed information on risks is available in Chapter 5 of the Universal Registration Document (for Crédit Agricole S.A.) and in Chapter 3 of its update A01 (Crédit Agricole Group). In particular:
* Provisions for performing loans and proven risks/loans and receivables due from customers in default
3 lines of defence
A risk identification process/Specific committees
While the level of measured risk has gradually returned to normal following the low levels observed in the aftermath of the health crisis, the geopolitical context, persistently high inflation and the spread of the effects of more restrictive monetary policies are creating a climate of uncertainty:
Sectors such as commercial and office real estate, construction and public works, those involved in global supply chains (automotive, maritime transport), and retail trade impacted by changing consumer habits are particularly exposed to these risks.
In addition, in 2023 the Crédit Agricole Group continued the sharp reduction in its exposure to Russia that began in 2022 following the outbreak of the conflict and the implementation of international sanctions (reduction of commitments by 75% in addition to the cessation of commercial activity).
Risks related to losses, revenue or income decreases due to decisions related to our strategic choices and/or competitive positioning, as well as the macroeconomic, political, regulatory and technological environment.
Environmental risks result from the Group’s exposure to counterparties that may be adversely impacted by these factors; they are assessed as risk factors that influence other existing risk categories, including credit, market, operational, legal and reputational risks.
Environmental risks include transition risks, related to the development of a low carbon and more sustainable economy, physical risks, whether intense or chronic and other risks, notably environmental damage, the depletion of natural resources or the loss of biodiversity.
The Group has also implemented an ambitious climate strategy based on three complementary pillars:
The Crédit Agricole Group has defined its economy-decarbonising ambitions based on science, in particular the International Energy Agency’s Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS). They are part of its commitment to the Net Zero Banking Alliance and cover ten business sectors accounting for around 60% of the Crédit Agricole Group’s exposure and more than 75% of financed greenhouse gas emissions.
“In all the business lines and countries where Crédit Agricole operates, the Control and Audit department verifies that regulations are correctly applied, analyses the security of systems and operations, and assesses the Group’s risk management policies. From the inside, the Control and Audit department applies an external and independent perspective to verify that actions are in line with the Group’s strategic guidelines and to assess the security and effectiveness of operational systems. Where necessary, it calls for corrective action to reduce the areas of risk identified.
In 2023, the Crédit Agricole Group continued its development to serving its customers and society through new activities and geographical areas that strengthen its universal banking model. This is why the Control and Audit department has expanded its oversight, auditing newly acquired entities, for example, as well as activities linked to the economy of use, which are experiencing strong growth.
As a key player in securing the Crédit Agricole Group’s activities, thanks to the quality of its continuously trained teams, the Control and Audit department is constantly strengthening its capacity to audit the Group’s major strategic challenges. This includes mitigating the impact of global warming on activities, supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy, delivering services that respect the interests of each customer; strengthening the protection of personal data and preserving its sovereignty.”
Laurence Renoult
Crédit Agricole S.A. Head of Internal Audit