

Crédit Agricole S.A., French Public Limited Company (société anonyme) with a share capital of €9,077,707,050 divided into 3,052,737,991 shares with a par value of €3. Registered on the Nanterre companies register under the number 784 608 416 SIREN: 784 608 416 Id. SIRET: 784 608 416 00144.
Crédit Agricole S.A. is a credit institution under French law approved by the French Regulatory and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR, 4, place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09. See the website:

  • Adress : 12 place des États-Unis, 92127 Montrouge cedex, France
  • Publications Director : Philippe Brassac, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Managing Editor : Véronique Faujour, Corporate Secretary of Crédit Agricole S.A.
  • Host : Crédit Agricole-Group Infrastructure Platform, SAS with a share capital of €86,552,500, with registered office at 30-32, boulevard de Vaugirard – 75015 Paris, registered under 840 434 740 in the Paris companies register –

Design, creation, production : WordAppeal



iStock – Jevtic

GettyImages – Poike – 1257578363

GettyImages – Westend61 – 1257323586

GettyImages – Westend61 – 1147342244

iStock –  Liubomyr Vorona



Presentation of the Group


  • Raison d’être

Yann Stofer

  • Business lines

Seignette Lafontan

Strategy and value creation

  • Raison d’être and the Group Project

Yann Stofer

  • Societal commitment in action

Sébastien Proust

  • Environmental strategy

GettyImages – Catherine Delahaye – 500283835

  • Social strategy

GettyImages – alvarez – 1007235552

  • Support strategy for the agricultural and agri‑food sectors

GettyImages – Monty Rakusen- 106451993

  • A natural amplification of our expansion

GettyImages – Morsa Images – 525701055

  • Transformations within our key areas of success

GettyImages – Klaus Vedfelt – 658984513

  • Long-term perspective: societal transitions and new business lines

GettyImages – nd3000 – 1127266110

GettyImages – Halfpoint Images – 1345466907

  • “Ambitions 2025”: financial trajectory

GettyImages –  d3sign – 1362311403

Trends, risks and opportunities

Seignette Lafontan

2023 performance

Seignette Lafontan


Seignette Lafontan

Sébastien Proust

Alain Goulard

Audrey Gros

AFP/Joël Saget


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This Site is a website designed to provide information about Crédit Agricole S.A.

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Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.


Crédit Agricole S.A., as the data controller, complies with the following principles of the Crédit Agricole Group’s Personal Data Protection Charter:

  • We do not sell your data;
  • We use your data in total transparency with your consent, and only for explicit, legitimate and clearly defined purposes, in accordance with the principle of proportionality, in order to ensure that the collection corresponds to the purpose in question;

To this end, we provide clear and transparent information about the purpose of our use of your data, the optional or mandatory nature of your responses on forms, and your data protection rights, both when we give you a quote and when you take out a policy;

  • We do not keep your data for any longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or than is required by the standards and authorisations of the French data protection authority (CNIL) (including the bank industry compliance pack), or by the law and regulations;
  • We will only disclose your data to authorised insurance intermediaries, companies in the Crédit Agricole S.A. group, partners, reinsurers, service providers or authorised professional bodies which have strict legal grounds for accessing this data in the context of our activities, and in compliance with your rights;
  • We give you control over your data and how it is used;
  • We provide you with clear and transparent information about the purpose of our use of your data, the optional or mandatory nature of your responses on forms, and your data protection rights, both when we give you a quote and when you take out a policy;
  • We always prioritise the security of the personal data you entrust to us.

You can read the full text of this Charter by clicking this link:


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